Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let's Play Pretend

When Jeremiah and I were growing up, we were always playing pretend. Whether it was enacting scenarios with our action figures or having conversations as if we were members of the Ghostbusters (I was usually Venkman, he was usually Ray) or playing superheroes, I don't remember a day of my life growing up in which some playing pretend didn't feature.

This is what I love about theatre: the interaction of writer and actor, actor and actor, actor and audience, etc., etc. 

This is what I love about repartee: the verbal fencing match, the improvisational dance.

This is what I love about children: a suggestion like "you're a dog and I'm going to 'throw' this plate like it's a Frisbee" can be met by an enthusiastic response instead of a fake mature roll of the eyes.

I love playing.

Today I was a grown-up, discussing coupon clipping and ways of saving money like I knew what that was for more than one person. And I was a fun tomboyish big cousinly figure, twirling kids and chasing them and tossing them around. And for a moment I was Storm, summoning the winds. And all of these were play, in one way or another.

With my brother far away now, I'm always keeping my eye out for other people to play with. How do you like to play pretend? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I make everything that is going in life a grand adventure so that even the dull things seem exciting.