Friday, August 22, 2008


I hoard food.

I will buy cans of soup, or mixes from those Tastefully Simple parties, or fruit, and will be so pleased at having it that I will not actually eat it. If I ate it, I wouldn't have it anymore. See the logic? Well, me neither, I guess.

If it's something I am excited about, like leftover pizza or half a wrap sandwich, I don't like to bring it to work. I don't want excitement-worthy food like restaurant leftovers to mix with boring-worthy eating areas like my workstation. I want to enjoy this food while sitting on my couch, or in one of my two dearly loved dining room chairs.

I am trying to kick the habit of squirrelling away food for an unspecified later date. I am trying to buy what I will eat, and to eat what I buy soon after I buy it. I'm trying to wash off vegetables and fruit right away so I don't put it off for two weeks and then find them decomposing in my fridge.

My goal: that someday in the fairly near future I won't own any food past its expiration date, because I am properly managing my hunger expectations.

Meanwhile, yes, I have finished using that soy milk that was "best by" last March.

1 comment:

one-eared pig said...

"Best by {last} March"??? *urp*