Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Et tu, MacGyver?

When you're a kid, you don't notice everything they put in TV shows. As I remember MacGyver, it was about a clever, laid-back, quick-thinking guy who could figure his way out of any tight spot using whatever was at hand. Many is the time I myself have been inspired by MacGyver to look for unconventional solutions to practical problems.

Watching MacGyver again now (Jeremiah and I bought some seasons for my parents' birthdays, because these are the sorts of gifts we buy in my family), I notice something else, something a young friend of mine at church noticed before I did: "In every episode, he fixes things, and at the end he kisses the girl."

Alas, it's true. MacGyver turns out to be quite the ladies' man. He doesn't come on James Bond strong (don't even get me started on James Bond), but he does throw out really corny lines and grins at the women like they're something special. It's kind of hard to believe they really are, both because there's a new one every week and because nobody in the 1980s was as good-looking as they thought they were, but the women go for it. Most times they are the ones asking him to kiss them, or making the first physical move, and MacGyver just responds with a polite "aw, shucks" demeanor that almost makes you forget, again, that this happens EVERY EPISODE.

Top ten signs that MacGyver was not written by women, you say? Possibly true. But still kind of disappointing.

1 comment:

one-eared pig said...

My husband complains at the end of every action film, "There's another action flick they ruined by shoving romance into it." I usually agree, because the women are almost never more than accessories.

But this also reminds me of 'The Princess Bride': "Do we have to read the kissing parts?"