Sunday, August 17, 2008

Coincidence? Absolutely not.

A long time ago I starting work on a play that I never finished. It was very much a "someday I'll get around to this" sort of project, but I didn't have sufficient self-motivation to complete it.

Until this week, when a friend of mine asked if I had anything to submit for consideration in an upcoming performance of short plays by Calvin grads.

Which led me to research on the time of the Exodus, then more specifically to the craftsmanship in that era.

Which led me to the passage on the tabernacle.

Which also contains a beautiful story of how the Israelites had to be stopped from bringing their gifts for the construction of the tabernacle, because they were bringing too much.

And this morning in the meeting on our church's very low general fund balance, this is the story I felt compelled to share when somebody asked "How do we live with a giving spirit?" (We remember we were slaves, and now we are free, and we give in celebration of that fact.)

Meanwhile, in the same week I was reading about the tabernacle, a couple who doesn't even attend our church made out a check for $20,000 to be put towards our general fund, an amount that matched almost identically with the worst-case scenario end-of-year deficit number the church leadership had forecasted.

I was shaking and in tears by the end of the meeting this morning, in sheer awe of this God who created time itself and still times things so exactly in our lives. 

What plans are in motion at this very moment?

1 comment:

one-eared pig said...

What a wonderful gift!