Thursday, August 07, 2008

Caught out again....

You know how sometimes you get really passionate about how some thing or other that you do is not good and you should stop, and then the next day you do exactly what you said you hated doing? Yeah. Today was one of those days.

Go ahead and read my blog post from yesterday and then come back to this one. Ready? Okay.

I talked way too much today. I was mad at all kinds of people/situations, and I talked. Very few of the "Why can't so-and-so give me a break?" and  "This is the problem with that...." and "Wait until you hear what so-and-so did" sorts of questions and comments I had were stopped. I let them keep pouring out.

I am thankful for Peter. Talk about a guy who didn't know when to shut up. He talked big, his verbal filter was missing, and he contradicted Jesus. "Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away," he vowed. (Rashly, of course.) And when Jesus gently prophesied that in fact Peter would deny him three times, Peter asserted, "Even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you."

I wonder what Jesus did then. I wonder if he stared at Peter and thought about how typical it was for Peter to make grand pronouncements and fall flat on his face. I wonder if he changed the subject and moved on with the conversation, knowing that soon enough Peter would have to see himself. Or maybe his heart, heavy as it was with the weight of what was to come, lifted slightly. Because it was so obvious that Peter needed this sacrifice.

I do, too.

1 comment:

Lisa Ann said...

Well said, Suzanne, as always. I too an so very comforted by all the screw-ups in the Bible, the people who seem far less-than-perfect. And God somehow manages to use them in great ways -- and to call them saints. It's a good thing he's on our side.