Thursday, July 24, 2008

The status is no longer quo.

I’ve been on Facebook for a while, and I’ve been playing an application called "My Heroes Ability" for several months now. This month I finally joined a group to share points, etc., etc., nerdy details go here.

This is currently posted in the description of the group: "WARNING - We have a few really hot chicks in our group. Player discretion is advised." (I would probably not have joined if this had been in the description when I was first checking it out. I’m pretty irritated/threatened by anybody who could be referred to as "hot" in that context.)

Yesterday I said something about things I wanted to do before I turned 30 next year and received this comment back: "OMG....YOUR 29 !!!!... TRUST ME !!!....U Look a YOUNG 21 !!!!.... WOW.....u definately know how to look great :)"

This comes from the sleazy 17-year-old of the group (though with a touch of prompting he did add "i meant it in the most non-sleazy, and true complimentative way possible :D"). So…apparently this means I'm considered one of the group "hot chicks"? This was semi-flattering (horribly inconsistent of me) and very amusing.

Me, a hot chick? Didn't see that coming.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

you've always been a hot chick, in my book. I just haven't said it up until now, because i knew you'd claw my eyeballs out.

i love you.