Friday, July 25, 2008

Hooray for this week!

Here's my favorite thing about this week: it's over.

Haha! But really, this week was about 50 times better than last week, work-wise. (Disclaimer: When I say "50," it is not necessarily meant to signify a real number. It is my standard multiplifying numeral of choice.)

I was really scared of this week. The kind of scared where you start dreading Monday and losing sleep over it beginning on Saturday night. But I headed into Monday knowing people were praying for me, and some friends made a point of letting me know they were praying for me, which was encouraging (this could relate to my post about my stealth prayers...hmmmm...).

I hate feeling overwhelmed and inadequate. But on the other hand, it's so much easier to remember God in those times, and I love that. (So much of my life is about choosing which part of my heart to hear, the old or the new.) This week, God let me be more organized and more able to cope with the workload. He also stopped me Wednesday morning when I was on a self-protecting internal rampage. I was feeling so angry at everything and everyone, and suddenly I thought, "Is this anger worth holding on to in the face of everything God has done for me?" Which felt like a Holy Spirit intervention, and my attitude was much better afterwards.

Thursday I felt rather melancholy and lonely (if I'm not getting angry, this is what tends to happen when I don't get enough sleep). I came home, put on a CD, and sang/danced my troubles away. Well, not away, but into relative insignificance.

Tonight I'll be going to visit my parents. And Saturday we will be seeing the new X-Files movie. <*INSERT GEEKING OUT HAND MOTIONS HERE*>

All in all, a good week.

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