Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Laundry List

I'm not sure why I titled this post "Laundry List," as it's not really about laundry. Maybe because I'm so fond of laundry, so I like mentioning it? Hm. Moving on....

As I was thinking about marriage lately (my brother's getting married, so this is inevitable), I realized that when I imagine somebody I would marry, it is usually someone who likes to do all the things I'm not so fond of, and who after we were married would take over all of the things I don't like doing. Things like:

* Balancing a checkbook, because my math is not my friend. Math tapes "Kick Me" signs on my back while my head is buried in my hands over the latest checkbook misbalance.

* Encouraging me to exercise, because I need motivation to get out of the house and take walks or something. I used to have my dad and my brother for this, but since I don't live with them anymore I need somebody else to step up. Or, you know, I could develop willpower.

* Cleaning the bathroom, because it's my least favorite of the cleaning tasks. When Tim and Lisa were engaged, Lisa made a deal with Tim that she would clean the bathrooms if he would vacuum. Tim and I both thought this was the sweetest deal ever. I'll also throw in doing the laundry (nobody can take my laundry away from me), general organizing, dusting, etc.

* Doing yardwork, because that's "man stuff." (In other words, I don't feel like pushing a mower.)

* Cooking, because cooking takes up so much time. Actually, I wouldn't mind cooking so much if I were home longer than four or five hours a day. Which brings me to....

* Going to work, because my friend Amanda says that while I'm making up a list I might as well put "rich enough for me to stay home" on it. 

Realistically, with the exception of the last item, most of these are the sorts of reasons you hire people (e.g. accountants, cleaning services, personal trainers, etc.), not the sorts of reasons you get married. There would be a lot less commitment hassle with hiring an accountant. And a lot less frantic "what if I'm making the wrong choice??" angst over making a quick salad.

(For Trudy and Rosemary: I will not marry somebody solely because he is good at any or all of the above. Just FYI.)


Anonymous said...

Dear Trudy and Rosemary:

I absolutely WOULD marry someone if they were all of those things. K let me know. Bye.

Thursday said...

I guess I'm saying I don't want to treat marriage as a business arrangement. Also, I'd prefer somebody to be interested in me as a human being to them being able to do any number of things I can already do on my own anyway. So I have impossibly high standards. Sue me.

trudy said...

I'll keep my eyes open, Micah.