Saturday, January 12, 2008


The title of this post isn't a reference to the much-loved Beatles song, but rather to the literal yesterday, January 11.

What excitement there was, folks! In my little office of five people, my boss was out of town on business; then one co-worker called in sick; then another co-worker coughed for about the 50 billionth time in the past two weeks and ended up hurting a rib so bad she was afraid she broke it, so she left, too.

Only two of us in my office all day yesterday. It was crazy busy sometimes, but all the customers who called in were nice and nobody was getting angry at us. We didn't get many sample requests, so I was free to sit and answer phones for most of the day. There were a few times I almost said "Look how awesome we are!" but then every time I remembered that bit in Acts 12 about Herod..."And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died."

Because, really, God gave us a great day yesterday. And I had tons to do, and a lot of variety, and there is a large part of me that wishes more of my days could be like that (but without the part where co-workers are feeling miserable, because I don't wish that on them).

Usually if there is something going on socially on a Friday evening, I hear about it before I start my drive home. Last night, nothing was happening. (A quick look at Lisa's blog this morning revealed that this was because last night she and I were of the same mind as to socializing.)

I love my friends, but I have also re-discovered that I love to spend time alone. Not the time sitting in front of the TV or surfing aimlessly on the internet so much as time spent reading, or organizing, or something else that requires a bit more effort. When my apartment chores are done, I feel better about the world. And if the faithful completion of such tasks puts my attitude in the proper place outside these walls, it is worth it to set aside a night or two each week for them.

Last night I cooked. I actually cooked. I steamed some vegetables and heated up some pasta and made pesto to go with the pasta and sliced open chicken breasts and put sour cream in them, with garlic in one and onion in the other. But I remembered why I don't cook much, and especially during the week, because this project took about an hour and a half (or two hours?) and the meat ended up looking a little raw because I don't really cook chicken enough to know what it is supposed to look like when it is safe to eat. Still, it felt more like time well spent than sitting down to watch "just one episode" of some TV show on DVD that turns into me watching the whole disc.

Today I will continue my trend from last night by organizing my VHS collection (yes, I still have one) and going to the gym and running various errands. And maybe I'll even see about social events tonight.

Because I feel good about things here.

1 comment:

Mom Jones said...

I am in complete agreement with everything you have said here! Having been retired now for four months, it's a weird feeling at first to try to figure it out; but I'm beginning to see that all of my time belongs to Him whether I am working or not! I want to "run to win the race!" It helps to organize my home base, though, as well as my thoughts ... I hope you are able to enjoy some social time tonight as well!