Sunday, January 20, 2008

How do they do it?

I am home sick today. Not sure what it is, but I had a fever last night and I am just feeling very weak still. As I was thinking last night about how pathetic I was feeling, two subjects of the "how do they do it" question kept coming up.


Moms take care of their kids even when they, the moms, are feeling awful. This just grows more amazing to me every year. Moms in general grow more amazing every year.

When I was a kid, I never thought much about my mom being a separate entity with a separate life and a separate set of needs and wants. She was just always there, ready and willing to do anything for me. There weren't a lot of times when I said, "Hey, can I help you out today?" Especially not when I was sick...but then, most times I do think my mom would rather have gotten juice for me than have me get up and get it myself. Because on top of her already outstanding Empathy Powers, she has amazing Mom Powers. Just having her around to be concerned made me feel better. And it still does...I call her even more when I'm sick than I usually do. It reminds me that I'm sick, but I'm loved. And if I'm loved, I can get through it.


As I was shivering and aching on my couch last night, I tried to imagine what it would be like to be an 11-year-old in a hospital bed, having a severe reaction to chemotherapy meds.

And I could not imagine it. But that's what was going on with Meghan as I had my fever. In a way (and maybe this sounds weird), I've sort of dedicated this illness to Meghan. By which I mean that every time I start feeling sorry for myself, I remember her. I pray for her, and I pray that in my little lightweight illness I will be able to look to God in the same way she has been under a much greater trial.

I wish me being sick could take some pain away from her.

So, yeah. Moms and Meghan amaze me. I want to be as selfless and courageous as they are at their best. I'm glad the God who gives them grace for their needs is working in me, too...and providing me the grace I need in my own meager trials.


Mom Jones said...

I hope you are feeling better today, Suz! I have a strong motherly urge to come over to your apartment and administer hot tea and chicken noodle soup!

A week or so ago when I couldn't get rid of a cough I had, God used it in my life to trigger prayers for that young mom with cystic fibrosis and her wee baby ... so some good came of my small discomfort as well!

Thursday said...
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Thursday said...

Aww, thanks, Carol! I did have a friend come by and drop off chicken noodle soup yesterday, which was nice. I administered the hot tea on my own. :)

And yes, I'm feeling better today. :)

Beth M said...

Well...I've always found a good ibuprofen/tylenol cocktail works wonders, but when its a digestive "problem", I call MY mom to take care of my kids before the house burns down; although when its a digestive problem, I don't even care if the house burns down. ha hem...

I'm amazed at the Haan's too..and much more amazed at the stamina, struggle, emotional burden of having your dear child experience the ravages of chemo.

Greg really missed your input in Sunday School yesterday morning! I'm SO sorry to hear you've been feverish! It is icky and I avoid it at all costs..unless my own kids are experiencing it.

Thursday said...

Thanks, Beth! :)

I really missed Sunday school...I was really just pretty disappointed in general to be missing church. But I think missing it is a good thing.