Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Just because you can spell it doesn't mean you know what it means to me.

Ways (in no particular order) to lose my respect:
  • Not respecting other people

That's pretty much it. How are some ways (again, in no particular order) you can exhibit a lack of respect for other people?

  • Putting pin-up girl decals on your vehicle (I saw this on a pick-up truck today, and my immediate revulsion sparked this post)
  • Having pin-ups (male or female) anywhere
  • Referring to any person as "hot" while not meaning temperature
  • Playing up the "battle of the sexes"
  • Talking as though your interests are the only interests allowed
  • Looking down on those who don't share all of your perspectives

On the first four...many people would say they do these things "jokingly." I maintain that jokes come from somewhere. The sort of jokes you make tell a lot about you as a person.

On the last two, I would point out the yawning chasm between talking up your own interests because you are passionate about them and talking down somebody else's interests because you don't enjoy them; as well as between having an intelligent conversation in an attempt to clarify your position and slinging insults in an attempt to make your opponent see the light by way of humiliation.

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