Monday, October 24, 2005

A Song

This song has been going through my head almost all morning. Strangely or not, I think it fits how I've been feeling this year pretty well. It's from one of the Fraggle Rock episodes I watched with my parents this weekend (Fraggle Rock being quite possibly the most loved TV show from my childhood), and it is described in the show as "an old Fraggle ballad."

"Here to There"
I'm always here. I'm never there.
I'm never, ever anywhere.
Excepting here, 'cause here is where I'm in.
But when I go from here to there,
My here comes with me everywhere,
'Till there is here, and here is where I've been.


Karl Boettcher said...

You know that would actually make a great punk song. Think they'll mind if I cover it?

Thursday said...

I can't really speak for the Henson Company lawyers....