Sunday, November 09, 2008

My Shtick (or part of it, anyway)

I am hyper-concerned about image and I hate it. It is a constant struggle for me to place God at the center of my striving and let people feel the outpourings of that love that I want to surpass all other loves, especially the self-love that comes so easily.

Crazy example? Okay.

Tonight we auditioned a bunch of youth group kids for roles in the annual fundraising banquet. One of the roles was "the ugly girl." And I got my back up because I'm very sensitive about ugly girls. I don't think we should be so concerned about image. Why? Partly because, as mentioned, I'm hyper-concerned about image, and when people talk about physical appearance a lot I feel all shrivelly and gross. (This is not a bid for compliments on my appearance, it's a confession of self-idolatry, which is the most insatiable form I've ever encountered.)

And then I have to be at least twice as funny to make up for my perceived lack of gorgeousness. Which is good because "funny" is one of the power plays I have down so people will like me. In my interview for church membership, I was hilarious.

Am I always funny to make people like me? I hope not. I hope that more and more often I'm simply exercising a gift to bring enjoyment to self and others. Do I actually think I'm ugly? Parts of me, sometimes, and certainly not as infrequently as I should. (Oh, but sometimes I think I'm all that and then some.)

Seriously? I am a ridiculous human being. I think we probably all have this part in common. My goal is to be a more and more sincere human being...and that includes being sincere about my ridiculous bits. 

Someday all of me--physical appearance and humor and skill sets and all--all of me will be focused on the right things, the right Person, and then it will bring joy to others and to me in ways I can't even imagine now.

Today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and until that someday--I fight.


Anonymous said...

Loverly Suzanne, I love you. I want you to know that your looks, and your funny-ness, have nothing to do with my perception of you. It was and is the sincerity in your efforts, the selfless interest in others, and the (in my experience with you) confidence you radiated about who you are. But yes, celebrate your funny! Celebrate your pretty, celebrate your ugly, celebrate the good and celebrate the bad. This is the song of being human. And you rock at it!

Thursday said...

The things I think people are noticing aren't the things they are noticing. How perfectly upside down. I love it.

Thanks! :)