Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election day thoughts

The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD;
he turns it wherever he will.
~~ Proverbs 21:1

Nothing takes God by surprise.

No differences of opinion confuse him.

No political zealot sways him from his intended purpose, but the prayers of his people are effective and accomplish much...more by far than you can ask or imagine.

In a time of rising political unrest, with all eyes on Rome, Christ came to be born in a small town to politically insignificant parents. He was the most important event in history, and the only savior of any country. (When ticker-tape parades are over, every elected official eventually becomes human.)

He cares about national politics, but he's more concerned about individual hearts.

And when you ask him to show you your heart and to take guarding it out of your hands, he can be amazingly quick to respond. (He is dangerous.)

So get some sleep, Suzanne. He doesn't need your worrying to save the world. He is already using you in ways you may never know (and some that you may), and there are greater things to come. Know your place, and know that it is under his protection and care.

Peace. Be still.

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