Thursday, September 04, 2008

Don't make me turn this bus around....

Tonight while on Facebook I stumbled across a group for highschoolers. It's basically about how juniors and seniors are awesome and freshman and sophomores are so annoying. I hope they're kidding. I'm definitely going to give them the benefit of the doubt on that.

Because, seriously? High school. No one is as cool as they think they are. 

I was homeschooled, so I didn't really have major class system awe until I got to college. (I do remember thinking, as an 8-year-old, that 13-year-olds must have a much better grasp on the world. And that by 40 you had probably had enough time to figure everything out. Oh, little Suzanne! How sweetly clueless you were!) As a freshman in college, I was sure that the seniors knew everything that was really necessary about life. Things like what they were going to do after graduation, for example. 

During my first class of my final year of college, when we were going around doing the name/major/class rank introductions, somebody introduced himself as a senior. My first thought ("Oooo, a senior!") was quickly followed by a jarring, almost panicked thought ("Wait a minute! I'm a senior!"). That year I directed a piece for our theatre company's "Wandering Thespians" (we went into a class that had been studying that play/subject/etc. and put on a bit of a play). The three people involved were me, another senior, and a freshman who actually said something to the effect of "I can't believe I'm talking to seniors!" one time when we were sitting around companionably after rehearsal had concluded. My fellow senior and I looked at each other, shrugged, and tried to communicate that we didn't really have some mystical source of knowledge. I don't think he was convinced.

The moral of the story: Class rank doesn't mean as much as you might think. Physical age doesn't mean as much as you might think. And only sticking to one class or age range really limits you in your friend pool. 

So why can't you all just get along and stop being posers, highschoolers? After all, we'll always be whippersnappers to somebody. Or at least we will until we're old enough to be ignored by all the punk kids. (Will they say "punk kids" in 40 years? Keep this question in mind and report back to me in four decades.)

DISCLAIMER: Harvest highschoolers and family members who are still highschoolers, you know I love you. Or if you didn't, let this be your notice. 'Cause I do.

1 comment:

one-eared pig said...

Do they say 'Punk kids' now? :) I know *I* do, but I've always been outside the box. At least in my mind...