Sunday, December 03, 2006

Marooooned! (Almost.)

I just got inside from being stuck in the snow. In my parking lot. My car went over the edge of the parking lot (there is only dirt on the other side of the paved area, and the dirt is lower than the asphalt), and when I put it into reverse there was only a recalcitrant whirring noise as my tires tried and failed to grab traction.

As an obvious first resort, I called my family members, who are between 2 and 9 hours away. No answer. I seriously considered calling one of my two closest male neighbors (well, the two closest ones I know) to see if somebody could come saaaaave me, but I decided I wouldn't do that until I had exhausted all of my other ideas. For instance, I realize now I've heard that you can put your floormats under tires for traction purposes. I didn't have to use that idea, but I'm putting it out there so you can see the gears are working.

Using my ice scraper, I cleared the area behind my front tires. Success!

Also, what better place could there possibly be to get stuck than outside of your own house?


Anonymous said...

lol. I love the SMALLVILLE reference :) And you know I would be glad to help out any time you would need it.

I will sign my name with one initial because that's emo and mysterious

Anonymous said...

I also got stuck in the snow this weekend but at a friends house and I asked the boy that I like to help. And seeing how half my brain shuts down when I am in his presence I ended up making myself look like an idiot. And then I had to lay awake for hours thinking about it and feeling stupid for thinking about it. Grr.