Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happiness is....

  • Finishing your list of things to do
  • Having newly clean pajamas and sheets at the same time
  • Spending time with friends, even if they are friends on a TV show (I think Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is my favorite show of my whole life)
  • Downloading "The Picard Song" and having it on your computer for whenever you want to watch it: (aside: Geekiness is watching this song and thinking, "Cool! I wish I could do that!")
  • Looking forward to 10 hours of sleep and waking up without an alarm clock

Hm. I can check off most of those things. So on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being "euphoric" and 1 being "immediate intervention needed," I think I'm in the 7-8 range. Somewhere around "pleasantly and comfily content."

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