Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Time Lessons from a Time of Unemployment

  • Life moves quickly. I was laid off in March, and now I'm thinking "Good grief, I'll be at work in less than two weeks!" Five months gone just like that.

  • No matter how much time you have, you find a way to fill it.

  • I am not more productive with more time. I am actually less productive.

  • Deadlines and schedules motivate me. (I am going to be working for a charter school. Helllooooo, structured school time! I've missed you so....)

  • The discomfort of procrastination lies largely in the denial of the voice in your head reminding you you had better plans for the day than surfing the internet or watching TV.

  • Even though I feel excellent about myself when I'm productive, I often choose to procrastinate instead.

  • You don't really avoid doing things because you don't have time. You avoid doing things because on some level you don't want to do them. Dig down and find your real reasons (if you want), but don't blame lack of time.

  • I have been blessed with a lot of high-quality people in my life. I'm glad to have gotten the chance to see so many of them during the days over the past few months. The ability to call someone at random and ask "can I come over this afternoon?" is what I will miss most when I'm back to work. That and being able to visit with my family for long periods.

  • All times and seasons eventually end. "It always seems soon...afterward."

1 comment:

your mom said...

Dad and I really enjoyed spending lots of time with you, too, this summer! We'll have lots of time again, more than in the past with your other job. :)

Love you much,