Monday, October 06, 2008

Seven Things

 My friend Beth tagged me on a blog challenge I had never seen before. I've seen more than my fair share of blog challenges and never get tired of them, so this is hard to do. Props to Beth. Rules: Write 7 little-known facts about yourself and then tag 7 other people to do the same.

1.  I can't remember a time before I could read.

2.  I can't remember a time before I was writing something or other. One of my earliest works (self-illustrated) featured a pair of parrots who got everything I wanted at the time, including a doll house. Someday this might be worth millions, so I hope my parents have it in a box somewhere.

3.  I enjoy cooking once I get going on it, especially with a long day ahead of me and a lot of throwing random things together. ("What's in this cupboard? Oh, I'll use some of that, too!") Of course, I can also be mind-numbingly lazy when it comes to food and do something like finish off a jar of peanut butter for dinner. Just eating it off a spoon, not with bread or crackers. I don't recommend this.

4.  I've never tried to hide this, but apparently it's still a little-known fact: my general dislike of dirt and danger is not a result of age (twenty-nine is really not that old in the grand scheme of things). I have never been a fan of dirt and danger. As far as that goes, my personality was pretty firmly formed by the age of eight. I can break out of my usual spheres by choice, and usually enjoy myself, but I only get more rigid if I feel badgered to the point of insecurity.

5.  I have found that I usually get most irritated at someone when they are displaying character traits that I myself have/repress.

6.  My favorite part(s) of living alone: having dance parties and crying at whatever I want to and singing randomly to myself and not having anybody around to mock my weirdness. 

7.  My favorite friends embrace and enhance the weirdness.

Okay, I'm going to tag the following people: Kerri, Sabrina, Brittany, Abby, Stephenie, Lisa, and Jessie (Beth tagged her already, but it's been months since she blogged so I think she needs an extra nudge).

(I will post something about last weekend before the end of the week. I'm still processing the awesomeness.)


Beth said...

Awesome! I can't remember a time before I could read either!!! Sweet sweet books...

one-eared pig said...

"Of course, I can also be mind-numbingly lazy when it comes to food and do something like finish off a jar of peanut butter for dinner. Just eating it off a spoon, not with bread or crackers. I don't recommend this."

I DO! mmmm, peanut butter...