Saturday, May 06, 2006

Ads don't age well....

My brother loaned me his CD's of "The Amazing Spiderman." All the comic books from 1963 through 1989 are on these. The ads alone are worth reading, with their get-rich-quick schemes and personal improvement plans. They're sort of pathetically hilarious—in about 40 years we'll be looking at internet forwards in the same way. Wait, we already do.

Here is an example of the ads from 1963 (actually, it's an inset in a larger ad about a body-building program):

FREE! 'Secrets of Attracting Girls'!

Fellows! Mail the coupon now, and receive Mike Marvel's FREE GIFT to you, this exciting and informative book. Discover a secret method for developing a new, almost MAGNETIC way of attracting the girls. At parties, dances, at the beach—you will have the girls clustering around you breathlessly, while the guys watch enviously. "What does HE have that WE don't?" they will say. The answer is in this exciting new book, your GIFT from Mike Marvel. Fill out and mail the coupon NOW!

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