Friday, February 08, 2008

"I was born for this."

I hear a lot of people are upset about the weather in Michigan these days. They say it's cold and snowy and gloomy.

Yes, it's cold. That is what happens in the winter. Snow happens, too. And although if given a choice between snowy and dry roads I would choose dry roads, I don't find driving in the snow all that challenging, at least not since the time I drove across the state in the Thanksgiving blizzard...I just can't see any future winter driving experience topping that. So I'm not afraid of snowy roads. I don't like the delays, since I don't like driving all that much and would rather just be at my destination. But it's only weather.

As for gloomy...well, gloomy is a state of mind, not a weather forecast. I expect it to be cloudy all winter long. It's Michigan. I've lived here my whole life. Cloudiness is to be expected as much as snow and cold. And since my eyes tend to be quite light-sensitive sometimes, I actually don't mind not living in direct sunlight. Cloudy days don't make me sneeze.

It's not that I don't like the sun, or blue sky, or warm weather. In fact, part of what I like about winter in Michigan is that it makes the arrival of spring such a euphoria-inducing event. It's forty degrees out! Take off your coats!

Someday, we won't have times when we prefer the darkness. Someday, the winter of this often discontented life will be over and the spring of heaven will be upon us, all the more glorious and beautiful because we've been cold and gloomy and snowed-in so often in the past.

"Weeping may last for the night,
But a shout of joy comes in the morning."
~~ Psalm 30:5b

Weeping may last for the winter...but joy is certain, certain, certain as if it has already come.

Hasn't He?


Mom Jones said...

You bet, Suz. I'm with you. I may not enjoy the cold, but the beauty of a snow-covered landscape almost takes my breath away. I love the purity, the peace, the wonder of all of it. And as for sunny skies, I actually prefer gray days. They are far more melancholy and relaxing. I'm not nearly as distracted as on sunny days. And there are so many variations of gray days ~ I find them much more interesting than plain old sunny ones . . . but I won't lie and say that I'm not looking forward to spring because there is nothing quite like spring in Michigan, is there? God is an awesome artist! :)

Nick said...

Great observations! First, yeah, I don't know why people who have lived in the Midwest for long still freak out like they've never seen the snow.

And, yeah, even better... I find myself in the midst of winter unable to believe that it can ever be warm again. And then comes spring! It's a surprise and a delight every year.