Thursday, March 15, 2007

So this is what this feels like....

Once I thought sports fans got way too worked up about something that had nothing to do with their actual lives. For instance, my roommate Kerri would feel down for hours after a major Red Wings loss. I would wonder how people could get that involved in something they had no part in.

Tonight I woke up (metaphorically speaking) because I realized that I am feeling all emotionally distraught because...well...Kate! Sawyer! Come on! What about Jack? The poor guy!

Turns out I've been getting emotionally involved in things that have "nothing to do with me" for a long, long time. And they really are important. Somehow. To me.

To everyone who is into sports: I get it more now.

To Kerri in particular: I'm glad we also have major overlap areas. The words "Harry Potter" come to mind....


Anonymous said...

Have you never had that feeling while reading a book? I felt that after finishing and even in the middle of Night, The Kite Runner The Half Blood Prince, Pride and Prejuice, etc. Or do I get that much more emotionally involved in things than you do?

Thursday said...

Oh, I've always had that feeling when reading a book. Sometimes when I'm in the middle of a book, or have just watched an absorbing movie/TV show, I go to bed kind of worrying about the problems involved, as if they are mine. I just never realized the connection to the sports fan world before. :)