Thursday, May 15, 2008

Waiting for an open door

This morning I took my car in for repairs and was driven to work by someone who works for the dealership. He opened the door for me when I was getting into the car, and when we arrived at my office he asked me to stay seated until he could get around and open the car door for me. This is what made me sure that I had been driven by this particular man before. I vaguely remember the conversation from the first time he drove me to work—not the exact words, but something along the lines of him asking me to do him the honor of letting him open the door for me.

You would think it would be easy, sitting there while he went around to open the door, but it wasn't. It never is, for me. Because it's not just about how the door gets opened, it's about a whole whirlwind of swirling thoughts in my head. As this gentleman looks more than old enough to be my father and speaks of his wife often, I had no complicating "is he hitting on me" mental chatter. (Funny how I tend to assume that people are nice because of what they think they'll get out of it. Or not so funny.)

This morning I experienced on a heightened level the sort of back-and-forth I have over anybody trying to help me with anything:

  • I can do it myself
  • But I don't have to
  • But I can
  • But he wants to help
  • I don't need help
  • Can you let somebody help anyway
  • I don't like people helping me
  • Yes you do
  • I don't know when I cross the line to manipulating someone
  • He offered 

Kindness—especially of the sort that seems to ask nothing in return—throws me off, breaks me out of my "self-sufficiency" a bit, makes me remember God.

God helped before I asked, and He asks me to wait while He opens all of the doors for me, asks me not to open them with my strength and in my impatience. Which is difficult when part of me is screaming to fling open every door on my own.

So thank you, Bob from the shuttle service. I need waiting practice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God, he has put many kind people in the world who will do something nice for you just to see you smile.

And just so you know, I don't think you've ever, ever manipulated me. I've certainly never done anything for you I wasn't thoroughly willing to do. Thanks for all the things you've been willing to do for me.