Friday, April 18, 2008


This morning I was lying in bed, trying to get back to sleep, and then my bed was moving and my dresser was making creaky noises. VERY weird. My first thought was of the relative structural integrity of the building, but then I listened hard and it wasn't windy outside. Then I thought I was imagining things, but I remembered the creaking dresser and the fluttering from Apollo that had followed it.

I went to the local news website this morning to see if maybe it was an earthquake, even though that seemed kind of ridiculous because I live in West Michigan. But it WAS an earthquake! Bizarre! And kind of cool now that the scariness is over.

Anybody else feel that?


Stephanie said...

The same happened to me and I live in Windsor, Ontario.
I got awake last night because my bed was shaking and the house was making strange noises.
This morning when I got up I googled to see if there was an earthquake. BINGO! There was one! Scary and unbelievable!

Lisa Ann said...

I slept right through it. I'm a little sad about that, actually.