Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Finger Length Predicts SAT Performance

According to an article I found on Yahoo! News, having a ring finger that is longer than your index finger (or at least long compared to your index finger) indicated a higher exposure to testosterone in the womb. It is also supposed to indicate that you have good mathematical and spatial skills.

Naturally, since reading this article I've been staring at my hands for an inordinate amount of time. My ring and index fingers are just about level with each other. BUT a careful measurement with my tape measure (something I just thought of now) shows that my ring fingers are 1/16" longer than my index fingers.

Observation 1: Why, then, do I stare at stare at restaurant receipts for several minutes before finally coming up with the right amount for a tip?

Observation 2: On the other hand, this may explain a lot....

Observation 3: “Uh! I have more testosterone than estrogen!” -- Rachel Gesch, fall 1999


Unknown said...

Guess if my cousin Nick, who is a grad student at Fordham in NY, is the one doing the research?

Mhm that's right...

Lisa Ann said...

So, this seems to be true for me, but I'm still not sure I believe it. My ring finger is definately longer, though.

Kerri said...

I don't buy it. Suzanne's figures are close to the same lenght but she has trouble balancing her checkbook, mine aren't even close and I am engineer. I am definately not the best or the smartest engineer but still an engineer.