Saturday, September 17, 2011


I once read that the main difference between an extrovert and an introvert wasn't in how they related to people, but in how they recharge: extroverts feel energized by company, introverts by solitude. I enjoy people, and have a lot of great friends I want to see, but every once in a while it is nice to have an evening or a whole day completely to myself.

It is also nice to have time to myself because when I am at work or church or out socializing there is nobody cleaning my apartment or doing my ironing or dishes or reading the books I want to read or writing or anything. And physical disorder eventually catches up with me and adds to mental disorder.

Today was a nice long Saturday with nothing in it.

I woke up at 8:00, thought "I can sleep a bit more," and woke up again at 9:30. I finished reading a book and by 10:30 had started moving. There were three straight hours of accomplishment, followed by a few hours of more reading, and then a few more hours of accomplishment, and no computer until after 6:00. (Much more relaxing that way...why don't I leave the computer off for longer periods of time?)

So it was a good day, but it's been a sad day, too. I really wanted to call my dad and tell him how much I'd gotten done in those first three hours, hear him say something like, "Well, don't just keep yammering to me, you have 8 more hours to accomplish things before you have to go to bed." And then I went to take some trash out, and it was a nice day so I walked to a dumpster one building over from the one I usually go to, and I had been thinking about also taking a walk out to the recycling, but just the extra walking-for-the-sake-of-walking made me miss him so much that I didn't do it. (Walking often makes me sad now because I think about how great it used to be to go walking with him. He probably wouldn't like that.)

And now I'm going to turn off my computer again and get back to...whatever else I feel like doing around here. Lovely.

Even with the sad parts, I wish I had more days like this.